Crazy weather today

Today we have had sun, then rain, then sun, then hail and then a huge thunderstorm with torrential rain, then sun, then more rain! The sky still looks unsettled.

Some friends had planned a cycle ride to Walton Marina to the cafe there…the idea was to have lunch outside overlooking the marina. Sunny when we set off, 15 minutes later we were sheltering under a big tree by the river at Kingston watching about 20 Canada Geese goslings from three pairs all sheltering together ( see extra). After about 20 minutes the rain had gone and we were still dry so we proceeded along the towpath to meet another friend but…. More rain so we decided to do Plan B go to Bushy Park have a coffee and go home! We got drenched cycling less than a mile in a thunderstorm  with very loud thunder.

 After our coffee stop there was bright sun as I cycled home, as per this photo. But note the dark cloud, I had just reached home when we had another storm so spent the afternoon doing more sorting out and cleaning in our garage. More things to the bin and a few to put on Freecycle.

No need to water the allotment but I fear the rain will have made the ripe strawberries mushy.

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