Flower Names Not My Forte

Me: “Mrs S what’s the name of that succulent against the utility wall?”
Mrs S: “Mick’s black flower”

So everything that should have been done yesterday I got around to today. Increasing the regularity of the housework as Paddy has become a de-stuffer of toys, unpicked of rope and all round messy hound. We both enjoy our time in the back garden in the sunshine although I fear he will cook as he lays on the patio in direct sunlight.
The evening was the Royal Naval Association monthly meeting, a really interesting and at times moving talk from one of our members who is an ex Royal Marine and Afghan Veteran who suffered gunshot wounds during his tour on Op Herrick 9. He has fully recovered, is great company and appears to suffer no I’ll effects.
Couple of pints and home, after a week the chest pain caused by falling is easing and is now just an ache in the background.

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