St Mary's

I was brought up in the church, the Congregational Church in New Malden to be precise. By which, of course, I don't mean we actually lived in the church, but it was a focal point in our lives. At some point there was an ecclesiastical merger, and we became part of the United Reformed Church, which seemed so modern as to almost be a bit sci-fi.

Spiritually, the church and I parted ways long before my mum became a minister, and to this day I am wary of an organisation that preaches a moral code that it does not itself adhere to. But I do like a church.

This one is St Mary's in Kirkby Lonsdale, which is an absolute beauty. If you ever come here or are just passing through, please do take the time to visit it. It's a fantastic building and the atmosphere within is serene yet lifting. It never fails to take my breath away.

Up until a few years ago, they used to have a candlelit carol service there, and that was one of the highpoints of Christmas for me. (And there are a lot of things I like about Christmas!)

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