Character-building 6 miles!

Ailie and I decided to take our grandchildren up Simonside today - we needed the walk and to see the cotton grass, and we thought Ella, Nathaniel and her grandson Andrew, who is in Ella’s class at school, would enjoy the walk more with company.

The forecast was showers but it was fine when we set off from Lordenshaws car park. They ran ahead, remembering our instructions to wait for us every time there was a fork in the path. After a couple of miles it started to rain. We were in the boring forestry path by then, but Andrew was keen to get to the top to show Nathaniel a rock that looked like Darth Vadar so we carried on.

Luckily they had on winter ski coats as the rain got very heavy. It was too cold and wet to stop for the sandwich, so I gave them a couple of dried apricots to keep them going.

The last 2 miles were a struggle for Andrew. They all had cold hands and wet feet, but When I suggested they best thing to do was run to keep warm, luckily Ella and Nathaniel complied. I had to leave Ailie to it with Andrew as I wanted to keep my two in sight. When we got to the place where we’d turned off the main path to do the loop on the way up, Ella recognised it and pointed it out. I asked if she wanted to go round again. “Granny that’s not funny!” By this time the path was actually a raging torrent. She and Nathaniel were at the car ages before the others. Ailie had been held up as she’d had to hold Andrew’s hand which made it hard on a narrow track. He was really fed up but got hyper as soon as we were in the car. The walk was close on 6 miles.

They all came back to our house to get dried off. Luckily Mr C had put on the central heating and everyone huddled round the Rayburn to eat their very late lunch after changing into dry clothes. I had to lend Ailie clothes and Ella got socks and sandals from me, but luckily the boys had other gear to wear. Then as Ailie was driving Andrew home (since lockdowns he’s not wanted to stay at her house without his mum) she offered to take out two home as they don’t live far apart. I don’t envy her the drive as they were all hyper.

Meanwhile #2 daughter is sending photos of her reading her book in the sun in France. They are loving it as the boys have the independence to go to the park and explore etc on their own. I’m so glad it is going well - she’s had a tough couple of months settling in to two new jobs.

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