Welcome Guests

Hubby got up way before me. He was behind in entering our tax receipts, etc into the computer. I moseyed out of bed around 9:00; really needed that extra sleep. We had breakfast and rather than take a day off as planned, we brought down 25 12-gallon storage tubs and several other containers of decoration. Our KofC Grand Knight’s wife has agreed to store them in their basement. Thankfully, many are filled with silk flowers so they weren’t heavy to bring downstairs. The upstairs “attic” room looks so big now. My sister had a dilemma while she was shopping for my nephew’s perishable groceries. Sugar was finished at the nearby groomer’s way early. We invited her over until our BIL was finished with his tasks; problem solved. The visit was actually too short so we’ll have to set up another play date. We enjoy each other’s company immensely. I replenished the hummingbird nectar and had just gotten back to the kitchen when our other visitor arrived. We only have ruby throats in our area. I have seen at least one male and one female but there could be more. We filled the song bird feeders, bird baths, and water fountains and I gave our flowers in pots a drink. We also have a bunny family but I’ve yet to locate their home. We are blessed to have so much wildlife to enjoy. There were a few more post graduation jobs awaiting my attention. Hubby got a hair cut and we took a break after 4:00 pm. Hoping your day was as productive. Thanks for stopping by. It sounds like Ukraine is losing its hold on one region Russia really wants. What a monster Putin is. Be safe. “Once again…welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring.” — Bram Stoker

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