Chapelyard, Dalry

Today's the day ...................... to dig

Not a bad view from the archaeological Dig site where I have spent the day - and for most of it, the rain held off.

It's the possible site of a medieval chapel, up in the hills north of St John's Town of Dalry.  Unfortunately, nothing remains of the chapel now, but the aim of the three-day Dig is to test around the site for any surviving traces or medieval finds. At the same time, there will also be a survey of the remains of adjacent farmstead ruins that appear to date from at least the 17th century right through to the 19th century.

It was great to be back with trowel in hand and in the company of some of my former buddies from the Tongland Abbey Dig.  The difference today was the presence of several Metal Detectorists who were also doing their thing - with their machines.

Mmmm - not quite sure how I feel about them.  Is it proper archaeology or just irresponsible treasure hunting ............?!

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