Misspent Youth

It was 8am to the very second when I phoned the surgery to find out I was 11th in the queue. However after getting phoned back by my chosen doctor, who in another life was a sports physio, I have an appointment tomorrow with him.

After a cocktail of paracetamol, foot icing and leg elevation I managed 5,000 steps, there and back, to my book group meeting to discuss ‘The Promise’ by Damon Galgut …..and eat cake.

It felt more like winter as I crossed the Meadows even though it was meant to be 14°. There were no T-shirts and bare arms this morning or people lounging on the grass.

Now even if I have to sit for the rest of the afternoon with ice on my foot, I consider it to have been a good day, such are the boundaries of my life at the moment

The local ‘youf’ don’t like to leave any surface unsullied, although in this case the original condition of the door has hardly been made much worse.

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