River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: Too Darn Hot

Sat outside eating my breakfast this morning, while it was still cool and pleasant, MrD said temperature went up to 28°C this afternoon but it clouded over late afternoon and felt more comfortable.
GEDmatch & Ancestry this morning - I get messages re. individuals in my tree and try to give sensible replies.
In the greenhouse the largest of my tomato plants has grown well and has 2 sets of flower buds - we may still get homegrown tomatoes - you can just about see them in the photo on the right.
On the left is a chicory flower just love that colour and below it the Phacelia which are flowers their hearts out in spite of the ground being bone dry :-))
Title song:
This song is appropriate too:
 … Ice Cream weather xx
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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