Year 2

I bought a cheap pot of lilies last summer when they were in flower, trimmed the foliage after flowering, kept them over winter outdoors and watered them this spring. So I’m very pleased to get about six flowers…still in their original plastic pot. I like the smell of these lilies but I have some friends who hate it!

Another every very hot day..32C ..overcast and no breeze at all.

After a swim I did a bit of shopping but kayaking has been delayed until tomorrow. There was a camera crew outside Lensbury this morning I think waiting for the England Euro football team to return from Brighton after their 8-0 victory last night.  and

This afternoon I  went to the twins reception class to carry on with the ‘sewing’ which needs to be finished asap. I aim to go again tomorrow and will hopefully blip some of the finished results.
I abandoned my plan to go to a friend and take the dogs for a walk at Polesden Lacey as so hot and Libby did not even want to go 100 yards with my husband at 8.30am!  We had a chat on the phone instead.

Now to put the air conditioning on for a while for some respite.

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