Stiletto (red) by Michael Craig-Martin 2021

Today I went to Stockbridge and then the Roche Court Sculpture Park which is between Stockbridge and Salisbury. 
Stockbridge is a lovely little town , full of cafes and restaurants and interesting shops…but some have closed since before the pandemic. There are also two fishing tackle shops as the River Test is nearby. We first visited about three years ago after seeing an article in a Sunday newspaper. It is run as an independent charity and there is no admission charge to see all the sculpture in the grounds and also there are two galleries. One always has a temporary exhibition and the other has some works by very notable artists , there is a Barbara Hepworth room! See extras.

There is no cafe and you are not allowed to picnic in the grounds so as I was there at lunchtime it was deserted. I was the only person in the galleries which seemed rather odd, but nice. No security for the works of art and I could not even see any CCTV! 

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