The first of many courgettes!

Our courgettes are doing well. We have five plants and there are so many courgettes developing …I think we will be able to pick at least one per plant per day of this weather continues! This means there will be lots to give away to neighbours and friends. 

However the cucumbers are not doing very well at all despite frequent watering.

My tomatoes at home need watering twice a day at the moment as do the hydrangeas in pots.

Such a hot day again. I went to Pilates early and had coffee with friend. Tomorrow some of us plan to go kayaking on the river. Some of my friends have never done this before so are rather apprehensive despite the fact that the kayaks are very robust and stable and I think it would be difficult to capsize them!  

Strange not having any tennis to watch this afternoon! 
I will have to get into the Tour de France and maybe the womens Euros too.

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