Tuesday: Peggy’s Cove

It hasn’t been possible to get a hire car in Halifax due to a shortage of supply.  It hasn’t really mattered though as we’ve been able to make alternative arrangements.  

This morning we went on a bus tour to Peggy’s Cove, apparently the most photographed lighthouse in North America.  I can see why - the location is beautiful.  We were there for a couple of hours and really enjoyed being back by the water.

This afternoon we took another long walk along the boardwalk.  We also had a fun, spontaneous evening.  We got chatting to a couple from Dallas yesterday, Danielle and Brittany, and told them about the excellent bar we’d discovered (see Sunday).  We mentioned that we’d be going tonight, as it was jazz night - anyway, they also pitched up.  We had a great evening with them.

I’ve added some extras.

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