
By Houseonahill6


Nit quite the dramatic sunset I was hoping for but it was still nice to watch the sun go down.
It was hot today but not as hot as down South where flights from Luton were cancelled because of a damaged runway caused by the heat.
My Mum’s coping ok, she does not mind the heat too much and has been sensible staying indoors in the coolest room in the house.
I tided some more of the garden and Mike trimmed the hedge between us and our neighbours. Everything seems to have grown twice as big this year .
We went for a drive in the evening when it had cooled down to 18 degrees and picked up some eggs from The Egg Box.We did the Cromarty loop , stopping to take some photos on the way. The sea was very calm and the air still. There were a few drops of rain later which only lasted a matter of minutes.
Cannon Hall Farm and The Yorkshire wildlife park have decided to close for Monday and Tuesday this week because of the heat.

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