Kathleen's Kye

A gale has been blowing all day, but the wind has been warm.  The sun broke through this morning, and a remained sunny into the afternoon.  Clouded over in the late afternoon, and evening. 

Last early shift of the week in the airport.  A quieter day, but still plenty of passengers.  A delay from Kirkwall, due to fog in Stornoway.  I got to finish early, and headed to the Cunningsburgh Show.  Walkies with Sammy this evening, and mam and dad popped by for a cuppa.  

Apart from the wind, the weather has been kind for the Show today, the biggest show in Shetland.  After two years without a show, the show field was busy today.  A lot of hard work for the committee, stewards and volunteers, but also all the hard work from the exhibitors.  All sorts of animals, home-bakes, local produce, crafts, including an eagle made from cutlery.  I work with Kathleen Sinclair (pictured) in the airport, and she's been on the committee and steward today.  This is her champion prize winning cows, and this cow loves show day.  Taken at the Cunningsburgh Show. 

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