Half Moon

As mentioned yesterday, I went down to Half Moon Bay in Heysham after rehearsal, just to try and cool down a bit and get some fresh air. I’d hoped I might catch the sunset, but was probably half an hour too late, though the sky was still a lovely colour. I particularly liked the effect of photographing it through the sculpture of the Redshank (one of several similar bird sculptures dotted around Morecambe Bay) although getting the angle of view just right proved more difficult than I thought it would be.
By contrast, I have done absolutely nothing today due to the heat. Even walking from the lounge to the kitchen was exhausting! I’m hoping it cools down a bit soon as I’m going out tonight to meet up with some former work colleagues. Whilst we were all working for the same company, we would go out at least once a week. As our lives started to diverge, that became once a month and then once every few months. And since 2019, not at all!
Obviously, covid is mostly to blame for the lack of contact, but it has proved remarkably difficult to find a date that suits everyone. We started trying to organise this night out in April, and the first date that suited the majority was today! The fact that we’re all retired (or still barely working) just goes to show how busy retirement can be. Makes you wonder how we ever found time to go to work!

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