The Boys Are Back in Town

The long awaited (3 years!) lads night out in Kendal. I say “lads”, but the combined age of the people in this photo is over 300 years!!
Very nice to be able to sit outside on such a warm evening and I even allowed myself a couple of beers. I should say that there was another member of our party, but he had disappeared somewhere when I took the photo. Mind you I’d seen him only a week or so ago, so not quite the same as most of the others who I’d not seen - other than passing in the street - for a couple of years. I even saw several other people out and about, who I’d not seen for some time.
It was a good night out. I’ve obviously been out many times since lockdown ended, but that has invariably been when I’m playing with the band. Last night was the first “purely social” occasion for some time.
We finished the evening with a promise to meet up again - let’s just hope it’s not another three years!

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