Dan the Man

A lovely time with Asha pottering around the shops getting books and choosing a jumper or two...plus bumping into Gill and seeing Beth as well. Then later Nate and I headed to Deb's (Mishkid's). I was very happy to turn up at the same time she was getting pão de queijos out of the oven! A cheesy type of snack from Brazil, and one of my favourite things from when I was there. Good to catch up a bit with her and Nate enjoyed playing with their toys. Then on to my cousin Dan's. He's my cousin on the French side and his daughter, Amie, is about 3 weeks younger than Nate. They got on like a house on fire and played the entire time Dan, Kimi and I caught up. All in all a very lovely day. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Some 1 on 1 time with both kids.
2) Nate's delight at a video call with Danny this evening. The kids are missing him while he's away studying.
3) Reminiscing with Dan over some shared childhood memories.  

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