
By ayearinthelife

Flick Of The Wrist

It is a measure of how boring today has been that I decided to go go through my assorted wrist bands as I knew a couple of them were in need of repair. Well, they’re not in need of repair any longer as my attempts to glue the detached bits resulted in glue everywhere and leather ends disintegrating rather than re-attaching. That’s the two on the left (pictured just before being deposited in the bin), in case it wasn’t obvious! Anyway, I’ve still got three to wear and now I’ve also got an excuse to get some new ones on my next visit to Joe Browns.
Incidentally, it would seem my wrists are the same size at the age of 63 as they were at the age of 17. The metal band was bought from a street vendor in London on a sixth form visit and it still fits perfectly. No idea what the metal is - it polishes up like copper but is sprung like steel. It’s just a shame that it is as uncomfortable to wear now as it was 46 years ago! So I’m basically keeping it for sentimental reasons only.
The only other thing I did today was to trawl the internet looking at dishwashers. The ones with specs I liked either had atrocious reviews, were out of stock (indefinitely) or cost a small fortune (Miele, I’m looking at you). The ones I could afford, or were in stock, probably wouldn’t fit in the space. Which basically narrowed it down to one model that is decently specced, doesn’t cost a fortune and fits in the space. Unfortunately, it won’t be back in stock for a couple of weeks - which is when we’ll be in Italy. So, no need to rush to order it then.
Sometimes I wonder how I cope with this rock and roll lifestyle…

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