Throwaway Society

Tip run yesterday, a TV/VCR combo that I bought from the NAAFI in Palace Barracks around twenty-five years ago, a bent & buckled clothes rail and some biscuit tins.
As I put my TV into this container I said to the guy sorting them out “they don’t make them like they used to” to which he replied “most of them work but people upgrade to the latest tech and can’t be bothered to advertise and sell privately”.
Such a waste, I’d like to think that someone somewhere, a company perhaps, strips them down to component level and recycles everything they can.

No shift for Mrs S today, an opportunity to spend some time together, housework delayed from yesterday until tomorrow. It’s difficult not to get sucked in by the TV coverage of Queen Elizabeth II’s journey back to London but you feel that you don’t want to miss it.

Epic gig rowing in the evening, seemed a bit subdued compared to normal.

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