
A busy day….met a friend who is relocating to Bournemouth and then some shopping.  I rarely go shopping in Kingston since the pandemic but today I did go to pick up some things from JL click and collect and had asked my daughter if she needed anything. I got a request for some track suit bottoms for PE  for the twins and some pants for her little girl..from Primark. I don’t visit Primark very often but it is good value for childrens clothes when they are growing quickly.
Track suit bottoms £3.50 each…same as a cup of coffee? Most of the girls pants were pale pink so I chose the Minnie Mouse because of the colours….their school sweaters are red! £5 for 6 pairs. It is so cheap you do wonder how much the poor factory workers overseas are paid who make these things. 
The Primark store was much busier than JL with long queues at the checkouts, not much fun.

Bought some warm long socks for myself in JL and they were£11!!

I also walked through the church in Kingston as the new vicar was previously in our parish and I wondered if he would be there in the cafe…...only £1.50 for a cup of coffee there! I did not try it. He was not there but the Kingston Photographic Club were setting up an exhibition which will be on for a couple of weeks so I may go and visit again.

Now raining so no pm dog walk.

So much depressing news re latest Liz Truss government actions.

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