Pru Leith glasses or 1980’s!!

Today I went to the opticians to chose new glasses and before I went I looked through all my old glasses to see if I had some to take for the opticians to give to charity. These are a few from the past….the top three are from the 1980’s and 90’s when big glasses were in fashion. I actually took them into the opticians as she was interested to see them. We compared them with the big frames that some people, like Pru Leith , wear now and they are bigger!! I keep them and have been known to wear the to the occasional fancy dress event! 
My daughter came with me to help select a new pair and after we went to have breakfast in Teddington High Street. It was so busy the first two ‘trendy’ cafes we tried had no space at 9.30…amazing. Clearly no shortage of money for the people who live nearby? 

The glasses are placed on our new carpet which was installed without hitch in the bedroom and we have had a busy afternoon putting back all the furniture. The price of carpet seems to have gone up by a third in five years so for the first time we have a synthetic carpet which has no wool in it because of the cost per sq metre. I hope it wears OK.

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