Spooky, Scary Skeletons

I’m not a fan of Halloween and especially dislike the somewhat dubious practice of “Trick or Treat”
The latter seems to be an American import that teaches kids threatening people can be rewarding whilst at the same time encouraging them to accept sweets from strangers - neither of which are practices I feel should be encouraged.
But….I know that people like dressing up and decorating their houses, and who am I to deny them that pleasure. Just don’t come knocking on my door is all I ask. Though I must grudgingly concede that the owner of this house has really made an effort with the decorations.
Given that most of the residents of our cul-de-sac are of pensionable age, I think we’ll be fairly safe from marauding bands of Trick or Treaters tonight. But just to be on the safe side, I’ve turned all the lights off, drawn all the curtains and and connected the door knocker to the mains electric. One of those statements may not be entirely true

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