
By ayearinthelife

Half Time

End of Act 1 on the opening night of the Addams Family Musical. Whilst the cast get to relax in their dressing rooms, we backstage crew are busy clearing the set and getting ready for Act 2. Only one hiccup so far, when some of the cast tried to get off in the wrong place whilst we were changing a scene - they were trapped so couldn’t go back on and we couldn’t complete the scene change until they moved. Sorted eventually and lesson learned. They will go off a different way from now on.
A fairly full house, which is good, and it seems to be going down well with the audience. Hopefully word of mouth will help with ticket sales for the rest of the run. I think it’s a bit of a Kendal thing - if a show gets good reviews on its opening night, then those who might be undecided will buy tickets based on what friends and family have told them.
Other than that, it’s been a quiet day. Coffee with Stu in the morning and catching up with emails this afternoon, before heading down to do the show. It shouldn’t be as late a finish as the last two (rehearsal) nights though, so there’s a chance I can get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight. I could definitely use the sleep!

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