A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx

First Solids

Another beautiful day here! I've got so much done today! I had forgotten how easy the childless life was....although I am already desperate to get her back home! When I spoke to her earlier she was having a great time! Did almost blip the photo of her on the beach today!

I've got loads done today! I've sorted three bin bags of charlottes things to take to the charity shop! I've also scrubbed my hallway floor with baking soda and finally cleared the grime! It's the original Victorian tiling and I want to restore it! It's turning into a real labour of love but I'm going to be very proud of myself when I finish it!

Hubby and I are about to go and do an hour in the garden so I can tick of another thing from my 23 item list of jobs to do without Charlotte here! We need to do it as we're planning to have a BBQ this weekend for my birthday.

After that I want to catch up on The Ice Cream girls with a well earned cuppa! I love Dorothy Koomson books but I've heard the ending is completely different to the books so not sure what I'm going to think of that. I hate it when a programme or film doesn't stay true to the book!

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