
After a lazy start we drove to Kingston as No.1 wanted to get my birthday present.  We visited John Lewis where I spent a lovely half an hour trying out new Bobbi Brown make up.  No.1 bought me a few pieces, so I now have a new look!  JC was a tad hung over after night out so wandered in the fresh air and found a greggs for a sausage roll!  There was a Christmas market which felt slightly strange in November with the sun shining and the temperature warm?

We visited a few shops and admired the furniture in Heals although who spends £6000 on a dining table is beyond me?  We had tea and cake and then a drive home.  I didn’t stay as No,1 and JC were tired so drove round the M25 arriving home by 7.30.  Had a message from No2 who was on his way back from Tenerife.  I had ‘persuaded’ him to take wheely bag instead of hold-all for carry on luggage - the Bas*ards at Sleazy jet had charged him 35 euros on the way home  ( but not the way out) as the bag was too large - although  it was the size detailed on the website apparently you have to include the wheels in the measurement!!  I felt bad that my helpfulness had cost him.  He wasn’t bothered but I drove home feeling I must keep my advice to myself.  I only do it out of kindness and caring but ……….  I felt really sad on the way back - difficult to drive with tears rolling down my face but told myself I need to get a grip as tears are no good to man or beast.  Busy week with No.1 starting radiotherapy on Wednesday.  Rota done although I will also go up on non rota days.

Onwards and upwards 

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