By lizzie_birkett

A Day to Myself…

Tonya and Yurii left early for the train to Harrogate, Frank went to choir and I took Bella for a very soggy walk. (extra)
The rain batters on the velux window when we’re in bed and we know it’s going to be horrible but one of us has to take her and this morning it was me. Bella will not even do a wee in the garden so we can’t just let her out the back.
I did the dishes and had a quick hoover round then got cosy by the fire.
I actually like days like this, though it does always make me think of those less fortunate. 


Another rainy day
another rainy night
the gutters cannot cope
with the deluge.

In the fields, sheep huddle
against dry stone walls,
the bare old oak trees
give no refuge.

But the dog must still
have her morning walk
though it’s torrential
and the puddles are huge.


Watching the Shoes

Feet plodding past me,
day after day after day,
shiny shoes and trainers,
everyone on their way, 
maybe shopping or to work
or maybe just going home
to warm and comfy houses
whilst I, the cold streets roam.

Some bring me a takeaway,
a pasty and a drink from Gregg’s,
I’m grateful for anything
Though I draw the line at dregs.
I stare down at the pavement,
I can’t look folk in the eye,
I feel so hopeless and ashamed 
When people pass me by.

And of course they don’t know me 
they just see me sitting here,
they don’t know I had a wife
a small house and a career.
They don’t know how I ended up
begging for a pound or two
day after day after day
while I sit and watch the shoes.


It’s the music session at the pub tonight. I don’t know how busy it will be as footie is on too. The Landord is moving the Big Screen into the dining room so the musicians can use the lounge as usual.
I haven’t made up my mind whether to go or not. 

For now though I’m going to relax with Bella by the fire!
Thanks for all the good wishes for Tonya and Yurii. :-) X

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