
Awake early again and I went downstairs to do some stuff on the computer while OH snoozed. However the t’internet was down and despite rebooting it was as dead as a dodo! I took a cup of tea back to bed but without scrolling and reading the paper online, there was no reason not to get up. I went to BP and then did a bit in the garden. Photo is of cuttings in the greenhouse looking good. Dahlias are now put to bed for the winter and I finished planting all the bulbs ( and found the garage key which has been missing for a few weeks). It was dark by 4.15 so the fire was lit and TV cranked up but still no internet so terrestrial tv only? Hopefully back up and running tomorrow.

No.1 had radiotherapy session and was accompanied by London friends. Day nine done.

No.2 messaged and was delighted that two works had sold on the opening night of the Miami exhibition- he commented that he should have been there rather than stuck in traffic in London!

Acceptable Monday

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