
Achubiad ~ Salvage

“Photography saved my life by opening my eyes to the beauty that surrounds me each and everyday. Life look much richer from behind the lens.”
― Donna Kasubeck

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Pan mae waliau yn cael eu dymchwel yn Nepal neu India mae yna rywun bob amser sy'n glanhau'r hen sment oddi ar y briciau i'w ailgylchu - dim tirlenwi yno. Mewn ffordd maen nhw'n fwy datblygedig na ni - mae mwy o ddeunyddiau adeiladu yn cael eu hailgylchu. Heddiw roeddwn i'n achub pren ar ôl y gwaith adeiladu. Bydda i'n ei ddefnyddio mewn prosiect arall - rydw i'n siŵr.

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When walls are demolished in Nepal or India there is always someone cleaning the old cement off the bricks for recycling - no landfill there. In a way they are more advanced than us - more building materials are recycled. Today I was salvaging wood after the building work. I'll use it in another project - I'm sure.

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