Abstract Thursday: "Abstract Extra-Ordinary"

An interesting and, well, challenging challenge from Ingeborg for AT this week! Anyway I hope this will suffice.

We always like to have a real Christmas tree - we love the scent they give off in the house. Our usual ritual for very many years has been to have a trip to Chopwell Woods, near Gateshead as they sell them there and it always seems right to get a tree from the woods (even though they don't actually grow the Christmas trees there). However on checking the website yesterday I found that they don't have their usual set-up this year - they only sold on one day almost 2 weeks ago.

Fortunately Google came to the rescue and we found a local farm which is selling trees for their first year ever. Seemingly they planted them about 10 years ago with a view to starting sales this year. It's great as you wander round a mini forest of trees which are still growing in the ground, choose the one you want and they cut it on the spot. Can't get fresher than that! We actually got two as Son#3 asked us to get one for him as well.

This provided my blippertunity, as the gate to the farm is "guarded" by two white reindeer (definitely extra-ordinary - I never saw a white reindeer before). So here's one of them, duly fartnarkled. I think it looks as if the poor creature is shivering with the cold!

They also had a very jolly-looking Santa so I took a shot of him for my extra.

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