O Tannenbaum

It’s been a long day today. Time for the annual Christmas visit to relatives - living and departed - in Chester. We started at the churchyard as there wasn’t much daylight left and I didn’t fancy traipsing around there in the dark!
The picture is of Dodleston Church, where all Mrs C’s relatives are. Not just her immediate family, as she reckons she is directly or indirectly related to half the people in the graveyard! The tree is just one of several put up by the Parish Council in the village.
Then we went to see my mum and my sister. Couldn’t stay long as I’m still suffering from this flu bug that’s going around and didn’t want to pass it on to them, given mum’s age and frailty. Went next to drop off presents for nephew and niece with my other sister. My niece had actually already arrived from London, so it was good to see her and hand over the present in person.
That’s all we could fit in today so some visits held over until tomorrow. Taking advantage of being in Chester overnight, we went to the pictures this evening to see the film of Matilda, The Musical. It was alright and there were some impressive routines, but I think I’d prefer to see the stage version as I suspect it’s a lot tighter. One to put on the list for next time we’re in London.
A bit of last minute shopping is planned for tomorrow, before heading back to Kendal after lunch, via the remaining relatives - mine this time. Would have stayed down here a bit longer longer but an extra Panto rehearsal has been scheduled for tomorrow night, so everything has had to be squeezed into just a couple of days. I’ll be glad of the rest when Christmas Day finally arrives!

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