Place: St Pete Beach, FL 62/82
Main activity: Mon - out and about, beach sunset
Notes: Couldn't find any reason to go out in the morning but left ~145p to pick up a shelf for behind/over toilet I found on NextDoor. This cool mural was on 16th St N around 1st Ave N. Went to the big Goodwill and looked for some plates & glasses - passed on all of them - got a little glass shaker for sesame seeds, 2 pairs of jeans and a bamboo cutting board. Took plenty of time, all kinds of traffic coming into Pass-A-Grille. Got back about 330p, sat out back with a NA beer and talked to Wei and Michelle until 5p, then got ready and walked down to the beach for sunset, sat there till 6p. The days are long and I can hardly fill them, not doing well at enduring them. And way too hot today - not enjoying that either!

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