Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


John Tunnard 1969. Oil, pencil, tempera - and sand. This really evoked strong memories of the period, created as it was in the year of the moon landings. 

Art should always provoke an emotional response and this bought back a flood of memories and sensations. The world seemed optimistic and exciting to my eleven year old eyes. I really thought that the stars were the limit. Or as Buzz Lightyear put it many years later - to infinity and beyond!

Great little trip out to our local gallery where this was on show. So many interesting pieces. TSM also found two canvases by Frank Bowling which delighted her.

Other than that a wet and domestic day but with a fair amount of chill time.  

PS M&S are selling hot cross buns and Easter eggs. Shame on you.

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