Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Pip had an OK night, ate his tea, went outside for a piddle etc, so it all seemed quite positive this morning.

Denise took Archie out for a walk, and when JR came back from the gym, I went along for my turn. I was rather reluctant, mind you. And I only managed 20 minutes on the cross trainer. It really kills me. 

You have powered a light bulb for ten minutes…’ the screen congratulated me. Which is a bit pathetic. The chap beside me was going flat out well before I got there, and he was still going when I left the gym. I wonder how many light bulbs he powered, and for how long.

JR has been busy in the kitchen, getting things ready for lunch tomorrow. Then she popped into town for a couple of things while I took Archie for a walk. He always wants to look in the gate to see if Mary’s there. She wasn’t.

But this evening Pip is not so good, and so Abi won’t come to lunch tomorrow as planned. She can’t leave him. Unless he makes a sudden recovery overnight. No worries - Hazel is coming and our good friend Salwa, an ex-colleague.

More astonishing drivel and lies from Harold. When will it end?

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