From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I've been mistreated!

Look, I'm making an effort here! I have even tried to blend in with the seed containers. I am perfectly colour coordinated. What more do you want?

Tap, tap, tap is all I get from you on the window pane, telling me to get off the nuts and clear off. I have been relegated to hanging off the shed to get fed which is not fair for any squirrel! I am beginning to know how Wolverhampton Wanderers feel. You only smile at me when you are stuck for a picture!

I was having a chat with Bony the other day. Yes he does get out occasionally when you aren't around and we are both feeling neglected in favour of starlings and tits who are all fly by day characters. As for those pigeons! One cheeky wink from one of those and you are rushing out here with nuts and grain.

Hmmmmm. I can tell I'm not doing myself any favours here, am I? Sigh! OK, OK. I'm going. However, in the words of Arnie, 'I'll be back!'

Track? Time for some Rainbow - Mistreated

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