From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Errrrm...the best laid plans of mice and Roz...

Well I went to the office for a change today (and wondered why I bothered). I then remembered I had a hair appointment after work so I trundled into Solihull thinking I'd at least get a picture of something different to birds today. That was the plan anyway.

It was the usual day started with a visit to McDonalds to kill time waiting for the council house to open. When I sat down I could hear loud snoring behind me and turned round to see a man in overalls with his head thrown back turned up towards the ceiling. He was really sawing logs and I could almost see the 'Zzzzzzz's floating away!

It was a busy morning and it was good to catch up with Paul who I sit next to. We did a post mortem of Happy Valley and various other things that had been on during the week that had passed.

I went out at lunchtime with my camera and sat in Mell Square in the lovely sunshine people watching but I was bored to tears after twenty minutes. I have decided I am no good at people / street-scene photography and satisfied myself with a couple of handsome pigeons strutting about by Costa Coffee. They were OK.

I went back to work via Greggs for a couple of hours, leaving soon after to go for my hair appointment. I was tempted to go wild for all of two seconds before going for my usual 'how I'll look in two weeks time / not been to the hairdresser' look.

When I got back to the house, I went out with mealworms for my feathered friends and was rewarded with this dinner time shot.

Big gob!

Track? I fancy the Stones today - Under My Thumb

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