The River Birch

We had another bright sunny day. Hubby volunteered at the Knights’ oyster scald all day. I had a quiet day at home finishing small projects on the computer and ironing. Later, I decided to take a walk in the neighborhood, hoping the mail lady had arrived. Our neighbors have this beautiful grouping of river birch trees on the corner of their property. I admire them each time we go by. They looked so pretty with the blue sky for a backdrop. We are going to 5:00 pm Mass and enjoying an evening with our Kindles. Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your weekend. “When I can go just where I want to go, There is a copse of birch trees that I know; And, as in Eden Adam walked with God, When in that quiet aisle my feet have trod I have found peace among the silver trees, Known comfort in the cool kiss of the breeze Heard music in its whisper, and have known Most certainly that I was not alone!” - Andrew Greeley

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