It was a mostly rainy day. We were almost ready to leave for Brooklyn’s basketball game when Jamie texted to say Parker had his last lacrosse games today also. We weren’t even aware he’s been having games. I guess they are just intramural scrimmages but we would have attended to support him. Anyway, it was my day to make his family’s dinner so I rushed around and put all the ingredients for my exotic pot roast in the crock pot. We dropped it off on the way. As we neared a stop light, these two cars pulled up beside us. As I snapped a photo of the truck, the driver revved the engine a few times-boys will be boys. It had historical license plates but no idea what year it was made. I really love the paint job on that old VW Beetle. Brooklyn’s team won 46-7. She received a karate chop to the neck while she was on the ground with the ball so she didn’t play a lot after that. Hubby, Kristen, two of her children, my nephew, me and Kim’s father were all there rooting Brooklyn’s team on with her parents and brother. We rushed across our county and well into the next one and got to Parker’s game minutes before it started. His team won the first game and lost the second one in sudden death overtime. My sister, BIL, Mancil, hubby and I sat in the cold rain with Jamie to watch. At least hubby and I had a cover on our chair and were dressed in rain gear. The others were not. I am almost thawed out under my blanket with kitties keeping me warm. We are going to enjoy the rest of our Sunday. Wishing you a fine day. Stay safe. Thanks for the visit. “The difference between men and boys is the price of their toys.” - Malcolm S. Forbes
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