archie likes sausages

Weather had prevented our planned Sausage Sizzle in December so we did it today instead. Joanna, Fiona, Jess, Archie and I had the wide expanse of the merse at Brow Well almost to ourselves. The dogs had a great time chasing eachother around at top speed and leaping the channels, while we progressed a little more sedately. There was a stiff breeze and Fiona did try to fly her kite but the strings got too tangled.

We found shelter behind some gorse bushes for our lunch. I brewed up some tea with my Kelly Kettle and cooked some veggie sausages which Archie was hoping to share. Fiona had brought her stove but it didn't get hot enough to cook her meaty sausages all the way through. Fortunately Joanna had cooked ups a big batch of onion bhajis this morning so nobody went hungry :-)

It was such fun that we are already planning another one for later in the year.

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