
First day of no trains from Petersfield so my plans, probably not the only option but in place, kicked in.  First off set up house off for the week - rubbish, painters, visitors- , dumped the dog in kennels,  drove to Guildford all the while managing a crisis on the phone. Success! In the office by 1. 

Noemi and I went to Netflix , which was why i was i couldn’t work from home.  Very good meeting and we bounced out with hope but it will stil be a long road.  

And then i went over to Stratford to see the babies!  Leo has changed so much at a month from how he was only two weeks ago.  And Ivy was huge fun. I brought a copy of Peepo with me, the wonderful Ahlberg book that I remember reading the boys and she adored it - mainly for the holes in the pages rather than the story but it’s a beautiful book and will be there for her to grow with.  We had a good takeaway supper and took turns rocking Leo when he was a bit grumpy waiting for his feed.  Lovely evening.  

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