
This is the inside of our wheelie bin. Not the most exciting picture, granted, but the level of cleanliness is quite significant.
We had a chap who came round once a month to thoroughly clean the bin after it had been emptied, but I hadn’t seen him for some time. Partly that was due to us not being around on the scheduled cleaning day, so not putting the bin out for collection, but I was beginning to wonder if he was okay as I’d not seen him working anywhere else in Kendal.
Anyway, he turned up and did the bin today so I went out to have a chat with him. Turns out he has been quite seriously ill and unable to work for some time. The medication is now starting to take effect so he is feeling up to working again. It is the perennial problem with being self employed - you need to work to earn money but you also need to take care of your health. Something I could definitely relate to before I finally decided to retire.
Anyway, it seems we are a few washes in credit, but I told him that his health is more important than the freshness of our bin so he needn’t worry if he doesn’t manage to get to us every month.
He thanked me for my understanding and mentioned that all his customers had said much the same, which meant a lot to him because he’d been getting quite depressed not being able to work and worrying about letting his customers down.
I do hope his health continues to improve and that he is able to carry on working for many years to come.

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