The impossible girl

I love my parents. They came up to Edinburgh today and fixed my TV. I've been home sick for the last 3 days sans TV and believe me, this is the time you miss it the most. I don't generally watch TV a lot, but I have missed it this week.

As you can see, it's now back up and running. Just in time for the Dr Who season finale tonight. I now understand Clara (who you can see on screen) - makes sense now you know it. I have to say though that I can't believe they've left it until 23 November now - how am I going to wait that long to see what happens (I'm really trying hard to write this without spoilers!!).

So thank you Mum and Ian! I'm still not completely well, but I do have some home comforts. I'm just a little peeved that The Voice is not on tonight to make way for Eurovision. Aarrggggh I hate Eurovision.

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