Rugby cousins

I slept only 4 hours last night. The sinus business is no better.

Instead of an easy day with my book we had a plea from #3 daughter to please pop over to Alnwick as Nathaniel was playing rugby there and they could not go to support. It wasn’t as bad as I expected as the sun came out and also James was there with his team. I tried to take photos of them both playing but Nathaniel was always hidden by much bigger children, and James was very speedy scoring tries which was good as the coach praised him for that, and for passing when he was surrounded. He really enjoyed himself. Nathaniel prefers football. We didn’t stay long as I was ready for a sit down.

It’s all getting a bit tedious. Val says her brother and wife have Covid much worse this time but I keep testing negative.

#2 daughter loaned me the Alan Rickman diaries which will be a dip in type of read. I’m enjoying William Boyd “Sweet Caress”. A scented bath is calling and we’ll have a pizza out of the freezer tonight.

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