Val - last chance!

I gave myself a stern talking to last night and got going this morning. No lounging in bed with Blip today, no reading the paper at breakfast. Oh no.

I got the washing needed for our trip done and ironed my summer gear which had already been washed. I mended a few items then prepared a veggie curry for tonight. I texted Val to see if she fancied a walk which she did.

She is quite stressed about selling up here and moving to Cheshire to be near her daughters. She sold her house in the first week it was on the market. It’s a small bungalow with small rooms further along the street but with limited views. Gone for £350,000. And the buyers have nothing to sell. What a fabulous result for her. However she’s stressed because she hadn’t known how long the process takes - the estate agent said up to 4 months. So she got it all talked through as we walked up the carriage drive - she’d not been since the trees were cut so was surprised to see the view to Cragside. In fact she’d not done much walking for months so we had lots of rests for her to get her breath but then once we were out on the moor she had a funny turn and had to sit down. Apparently nowadays she needs to take something sugary out with her but had forgotten. All I had was water so I gave her that. We decided to get off the moor as soon as she’d recovered a bit and she phoned her husband to come to meet us with a biscuit. I hadn’t seen her much over the winter for various reasons so wasn’t aware. Anyway he met us and we made it home. She texted later to say she was fine and up till the incident had enjoyed the walk but it was much further (3.5 miles) than she’d been for a long time.

I had some lunch, Mr C went to pick up compost and I worked on the Mexico book which is shaping up nicely.

I still have the sinus thing but I’m definitely feeling better. Maybe all I needed was a blow round the moor!

The blip is Val overlooking the village - I am trying out my new camera - yes I’ve succumbed to a bridge one again. I really miss the zoom. Mr C had played with settings and it was stuck on a setting that did a few seconds of movie. It took him a while to get it back. The colour seems dark but I’ll take it with me. Not that I expect to see any animals.

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