Trying hard!

The poor garden has been much against the elements this last week. I'm surprised that everything didn't just give up and die under the nine inches of snow that fell on top of it! I did have a lot of rhubarb plants last year but only about three are showing any signs of appearing at the moment. I do love rhubarb so I hope the others do return. I have a friend who can supply me with endless new starters but I really want to get some properly established. I guess I'll have to wait and see what the next few weeks bring.
I went to matting group this afternoon. It was, as usual, a very jolly afternoon with Lizzie's home made scones, jam and cream to accompany tea break! Much appreciated they were too. I'm still having lots of pain with my thumbs and despite using my 'arthritic' scissors and wearing my wrist support for cutting up the fabric, I couldn't continue the whole afternoon.  No- one minds that I have to down tools but it's very frustrating. I did make the teas and wash up so a different contribution to the afternoon.
A good phone call with mum as she had had a full day; taking herself out to town on her mobility scooter in the morning, lunch in the restaurant where she lives, and then joined a group for an afternoon discussion in the activity room to meet people who had come in to talk about food and wellness. All these things being good for her well-being and combatting the loneliness she feels when she can't get out and about. I also had a good evening knowing that her day had been good.
For friends that bake
For plants fighting the elements
For a happy phone call with mum

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