Leith Docks

We started to hear the sirens at about 8.30 am - many emergency vehicles and quite close. Turned out there was a major incident down at the docks. Intially hard to figure out the exact location.We got a no 34 up to the allotment and as we crossed Constitution St I took a shot down towards the docks to see if there was anything visible. Turns out it was further west than this. Saw news updates that they were clearing A & E at the RIE to prepare for incoming casualties. Small mercies - no fatalities as far as I can see. See the news report here.

Later we went for a meal in the Cutting Chai with Trev and C and also Almond and D - so, an unofficial blip meet! I took a couple of photos in the restaurant but they all had at least one person gurning horribly, which would give a false impression of the excellent food.

Afterwards we had a beer in the newly opened Tim'rous Beastie to see what it was like. Beer acceptable, but astonishingly loud-mouthed clientele. Only about five of them, but they made it impossible for us to hear each other speak. Strongly reminiscent of the customers from when it was the Burns Alehouse at least 20 years ago. Don't know where they can have been doing their shouting in between times though.

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