And I’m running late and I don’t need an excuse

Me walking, this morning.  Tooli - Take note. 

Parked at the rocks, climbed the 1:45 degree incline, which only takes 100 steps to get to the top, but I figure it's a bit of a work out. 

I noticed last week, pedestrian barriers at the top, and couldn't think what they might be doing ... But I know now - it was a new bench  

I didn't sit on it, it was too new, I chose the one with the grafitti. (See extra)

Do you like my new shoes?   I've been asking everyone all morning.   I bought them about 1 month ago. and I thought I better start wearing them in for my holiday and I figured my feet would be in agony today, but not so.   They are perfect. 

Keeping my feet nice and steady and soft enough that I don't have any rub. 


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