The Fast, The Furious And The Yellow

Today was quite busy for a Saturday and involved canoodling foxes, an early morning run, some medicine ball exercises, a pint, a walk/photographic safari, an afternoon nap and testing out my curry making culinary skills.
The day started very early - about 3.30 am with a fox screaming its head off in the road just outside my bedroom window for at least half an hour until it's mate turned up. It then immediately stopped screeching and the aforementioned canoodling took place rather recklessly in the middle of the road. Quite the start to the day!
After that it was quite difficult to get back to sleep again but I did still manage to get out before 8 am for a rather bleary eyed run with my brother. Somehow I still had some energy left for a set of medicine ball exercises before it was time to head out for our usual Saturday pint at The Fields.
By the time we got back, had a couple of glasses of wine and caught up on some telly I was beginning to feel the effects of being up that early so an afternoon nap was in order.
Luckily by the middle of the afternoon the sun had returned and I decided  I should get out for a walk/photographic safari. My big sis came with me as she needed to clear her head as she's having a stressful time with work at the moment.
We started by heading through the grounds of Preston Hall and then on to Hermitage Lane which is where my main image was taken. At one time this was actually a lane but now it is very busy road which has seen a huge amount of development next to both sides of the carriageway (more of which is taking place behind the long white metal fence in my shot - but it least it had the good grace to provide a surface for those shadows to be cast upon!) in the last decade or so. The traffic now blasts up and down the road (when it's not congested) with all the speed and bad driving that that entails (drivers pulling out of junctions, tailgating, overtaking into the path of oncoming vehicles often leading to horns blaring and aggressive driving).
It was quite a relief to get away from the noise of the road and into the nearby fields (my extra is of one of the fields resplendent in its yellow crop of oil seed rape) for the second half of our walk. On the final section we stopped to get some ice creams to take home and my sister said the walk had helped and that it was great to be able to just have a good chat.
Once we had devoured our ice creams and had another break for a further glass of wine it was time to start testing my curry making skills again. I settled on making one I've made before - Lahori Lamb. It's actually pretty easy to make - it's basically putting all the ingredients (garlic, fresh ginger, tomatoes, cardamon pods, cloves, natural yoghurt, cinnamon, black peppercorns, bay leaves, chilli powder and the lamb) in a large pot and let it simmer for 35 - 45 minutes and then serve it with rice, mango chutney and naan bread. Even I can manage that!
It seemed to go down well with the rest of the family so it was a good end to a rather busy Saturday.


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