Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Tesco milk

Well my day has been ruined by a bottle of milk from tescos but I'll get to that shortly.

Have you noticed how hard they're making it to post a letter these days? I wandered half the way around the town, letters in hand, before finding somewhere to post them. I'd planned that when I did finally find a post box I'd blip it as they're such rarities (they took away the one by our street last year). However when I found one there was a little old lady seeming unsure as to whether she should post her letters so I popped mine in and carried on my way.

So what's with the milk?

Whilst in town I made it as far as the fabric shop, which by the way, I'm realising is nothing compared to the one back home, half an hour to find a fabric I was happy with rather than ten minutes. Anyhow, I thought I'd splash out and treat myself to half a metre of gorgeous deep turquoise dupoin silk and some marabou feathers to decorate my bra for the marathon. £20 later and I'm on my way home via tesco. They have pineapples for £1 at the moment but that's irrelevant here.

Why they can't make milk cartons that actually seal properly I will never know! But as a result, the bottle lay on its side on top of my fabric and leaked all the way home. Unfortunately I've only just looked at the fabric so the milk is already partly dried on. I've gently hand washed it all but I'm not holding out for it looking as good and the feathers are probably ruined. So disappointed.

Before washing it all I took a shot of the only dry part of it I could find.

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