Coronation Day

I was thirty-nine days old when QEII was crowned on 2nd June 1953, today I am seventy years and twelve days old as CRIII is crowned. In that span of time the world has changed beyond measure.

Although I don’t remember it I was at a gathering at my paternal grandparents house, Selwyn Road, Walton-on-Thames, for the QEII Coronation Ceremony. One of the few houses in that road with a TV. Family and neighbours gathered to watch grainy black and white footage of the days events.
Today people are able to watch it live, from every angle as it happens at home or wherever they wish on mobile devices.

Today it was a lie in, Coronation Brunch with Mrs S and Josh before watching parts of the service on TV and ploughing through the ever depressing daily newspaper.

Josh and I then headed down to the boatyard to join up with the Epic Gig Club to row the gig half a mile down river to Penryn as part of the flotilla loose group of boats of all shapes and sizes escorting milling around the vessel carrying the “king & queen”.
Josh and I opted to row there, drink a beer with friends and walk back, others did the reverse but we all gathered back at the boatyard for a Coronation Celebration Corona and very nice it was too.

With Mrs S working tomorrow Josh and I headed home to spend some time with her. We enjoyed the Cottage Pie made Thursday and refrigerated, very nice.
Sam overnight in Plymouth left the three of us at home with the TV and some reading.
I have around twelve ‘real’ books within arms reach which I’m trying to get through and around eight E-books, I really need to stop getting sucked into buying more by the pop up adverts on my phone and E-mail stream!

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