.....a roller coaster ride.......

A trip to see hebs this morning....to take her some gifts from pupils.

The Satnav seemed to be operating on a five second delay....telling me to turn just as I passed the turning......ordering U-turns on motorways and dual carriage ways....taking me several miles out of my way........and then it behaved perfectly on the way home.

A nice visit with hebs and coz.

Home and a so-so afternoon.

A nice trip with the Daughter to buy a new fish for the pond.

Out to coaching in the pouring rain...only 6 turned up....and an accident for one little soul who fell in....a disagreement.......cold and wet.

Home to a nice meal and CSI.

So what have I learned?

Some pupils are really thoughtful....it's good to talk to friends especially when you haven't seen them for a while..........it's boring when you're stuck in the house because of the weather.....some kids will come to coaching even in a downpour.....Reggae Reggae sauce is really good on cold chicken and baked potatoes...and stick to your real friends....you know the sort that don't judge you...especially when the judgement is based on tittle-tattle....especially when the tittle -tattle comes from a notorious source.

It's good job I have you all as friends.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

The photograph has nothing to do with today...its just a key ring attached to a set of keys for the S & H 's place. I was lacking inspiration this evening!

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